2nd Vice Commander Dennis Holloway
The 1st Vice Commander assists the Commander and presides over meetings in the absence of the Commander. Their main focus area is member recruiting and retention.
Phone: 408-310-8580
Email: TedHigashi@gmail.com
1st vice commander Ted Higashi
Commander William Dunmyer
The Sergeant-at-Arms arranges the meeting hall and assists the Post Commander and Adjutant in arrangements for meetings, including leading the color detail during presentation and retirement ceremonies. This person is the expert on flag etiquette, and plays a leading role in the Post Color Guard, burial detail and other pageantry. They also chair the Welcome Committee.
Phone: 408-607-0755
Email: jessesanchez316@yahoo.com
Any deceased Veteran who was discharged under conditions other than dishonorable or any Service member of the Armed Forces of the United States who dies on active duty may be eligible for a Headstone/Marker or a Medallion, not both.
Veterans who passed away on or after November 1. 1990 – A Marker/Headstone will be furnished for the grave of any eligible deceased Veteran and provided for placement in private and local government cemeteries regardless of whether or not the grave is marked with a privately-purchased headstone or marker.
Veterans who died before November 1. 1990 - A Headstone or Marker will be furnished for the UNMARKED GRAVE of any eligible deceased Veteran.
To obtain the most recent information about headstones and markers including the complete and most current list of available emblems of belief (listing all names and graphics), please visit our website atwww.cem.va.gov
Please refer to the document by clicking on the button labeled; "Headstone Application" to review requirements details and to print, fill, and mail the Application for a Headstone or Marker.
Questions? We are always eager to help!
Post 217's Adjutant can help answer any questions that arise (their contact information is listed on this page).
The Post Commander oversees the general workings of our post. He presides over all Post meetings and appoints all committees and committee members.
Phone: 408-590-0575
Email: billdunmyer@comcast.net
Finance Officer TERRI MARINI
sgt-at-arms Jesse Sanchez
Service Officer Jose Delgado
Military Headstone application
The Finance Officer oversees the administration of Post finances and receiving and disbursement of funds. They are Chairperson of the Finance Committee, and work with the Post Commander and Adjutant to develop and maintain an operating budget for the Post.
Email: calicowgirl1700@yahoo.com
The 2nd Vice Commander assists the Commander and presides in the absence of the Commander and 1st Vice Commander. Their main focus areas are patriotic events and observances, and building an atmosphere which is engaging for members and gets them involved in Post activities and programs.
Phone: 408-608-5548
Email: sjdholloway@outlook.com
American Legion
Gilroy Post #217